Ahad, 20 November 2011

The Signs

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Look closely, and tell me what you see before you hit "See More"
Right. So when I first saw the top picture I was indifferent. I was like: "Oh, all right, another picture of the Kaaba." Boy was I wrong!

It is actually a magnet in the shape of a cube with iron fillings scattered around it. The magnetic field causes the iron fillings to arrange themselves into that pattern.

I only realized my mistake when I stumbled upon an actual picture of the Kaaba. SubhanAllah!! God is indeed Great. Allahu Akbar !

"Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?" [Al-Qur'an 41:53]

2 ulasan:

  1. subhanAllah, tidak pernah terfikir perkara ini, dan kajian sperti ini tak pernah terlintas difikiran. sngguh besar kekuasaanNya, unik dimana2 :)

  2. naam...hanya Orang2 yang beriman serta bertaqwa sahaja yang mampu memahami tanda2 ini sebaliknya mereka yang cintakan dunia akan mencipta sejuta satu alasan untuk menolak kebenarann daripada Allah S.W.T..


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